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Contact Perimeter Protective Systems today for a free security consultation - 866-633-3813.

Effective consulting identifies real, practical problems in structures, practices, policies of operation and behavior that are “accidents waiting to happen” or security breaches that have systematically been missed.

Utility Company – Philadelphia

Utility owned an abandoned coal pier on the Delaware River. They decided to not go forward with a half-million dollar security project they bid out to protect pier from riverboat pirates. We observed their bigger risk, which they had missed, was kids on dirtbikes entering from landside into a very hazardous area. 

Mini-Storage Facility – Philadelphia

Despite fences, razor ribbon and burglar alarms, thieves in this bad neighborhood kept penetrating from the rear of the facility. We recommended paying or rewarding the neighboring residents whose houses overlooked this area for reporting if they saw anything.

Major Retailer – Philadelphia

Large outdoor inventory. Observed employee stealing merchandise by the forklift load and selling out back gate. Crime was reported.

Private Executive Estate – Montgomery County

Existing burglar alarm installed by a leading major alarm company had radio backup dialer if telephone wires were cut. The telephone wires were plainly accessible from ground level. During a break-in, the telephone wires were cut and the radio backup did not work. The system was not “supervised” meaning there was no indication of wires being cut or radio not functioning. We were contacted following break-in and per our recommendation, the home owner rerouted telephone wires to enter at attic level, not ground level. We identified that the radio dialer was the wrong type to function in the non air-conditioned space where it was located, the glass break sensor was on wrong wall, and a motion sensor was in the wrong location. A “mock strike” by the original alarm company would have revealed these deficiencies without the loss of over $200,000 in uninsured collector’s valuables, and the anguish and the time associated.

Low Income Housing – Vineland NJ

Housing unit had controlled access motorized slide gates but unauthorized cars would tailgate in behind the tenants’ car.  We installed cameras with status alert from gate activation.

Distributor – Philadelphia

Distributor had entrance steps with treads that were too short and not to code, the sprinkler system was improperly installed above suspended system so heat sensors were blocked, sprinkler system inspection was not current, and loading dock cameras were not working.

Food Distributor – Philadelphia

Despite tall wall, vandals were able to enter yard and get out again. Our solution was simply to park the box type trucks front-in to wall instead of rear-in to wall, thus removing what amounted to a ladder from bumper to hood to top of truck and out.

Chemical Company – Falls Township

Company was concerned about visitors and required that all visitors sign their sign-in book. Next to the book was a sheet of paper which said that by signing book, the visitor accepted policies such as wearing safety glasses, not smoking, no photographs, must be self-insured. The problem was that nothing on the sign-in book itself referenced the policy sheet so the whole procedure would have had no legal enforceability. We identified solutions to close this small loophole, which could mean the difference of millions of dollars in liability.

Art Museum - Wilmington

An outdoor contemporary sculpture was made from plastic milk crates forming a 30’ high double arch. Concern is that this is like an inviting piece of playground equipment and children could climb and fall off. Each crate had an opening as a hand grip. We recommended filling the open grip spaces for the first 8’ or 10’ from ground to deter climbing.

Women’s Prison – NJ

Prisoners could not escape on their own but any confederate of theirs on the outside could readily get them out with little risk of detection.
