Large quarter square mile urban campus challenged by surrounding community’s teens. We recommended dedicating a couple basketball courts in exchange for the players keeping an eye on things.
Reduce Installation Costs, Infrastructure and Maintenance for Multi-Site Deployments
Guard posts are one of the first lines of defense at sensitive perimeters. Because of their distributed locations, and small physical presence, it is difficult and expensive to place video surveillance at each location until now.
We help protect guard post through:
Minimal infrastructure
We reduce upfront cost, installation time and ongoing maintenance by archiving all video - even 1080p/30 fps HD resolution - in a fully integrated onboard NVR, eliminating the need for external storage servers, dedicated high capacity networks and secure IT facilities to house them.
Zero bandwidth recording
Our cameras consume 90% less bandwidth than traditional IP and high definition cameras by storing video in a fully integrated, onboard NVR and eliminating the bandwidth used to backhaul video to centralized storage. Of course, stored and live video is always available at the click of a mouse.
Simple installation
Our cameras and encoders are easier to install then traditional IP or high definition cameras because the iCVR's fully integrated onboard NVR eliminates the need to deploy any external servers and VideoIQ's adaptive analytics are 100% self-calibrating, eliminating the need to manually calibrate or tune the analytics in the field.
Intelligent logging of all vehicles and personnel
We accelerate investigations from days to minutes by intelligently profiling and tagging every person and vehicle seen at the site, allowing operators to rapidly search terabytes of stored video at the click of a button for rule violations, and even search for matches for a particular object across all cameras and encoders in the system.