We observed that a 60’ lamppost was missing three of the four nuts on the bolts that hold post to its base, creating a very dangerous situation where the lamppost could have fallen onto Roosevelt Boulevard.
Protect Your Assets at a Fraction of the Cost of a Guard
Six million containers are processed in the United States and 80% of the world’s trade is conducted by sea every year. With so much commerce coming through ports, security personnel and loss prevention directors face a series of threats ranging from shrinkage and damaged goods to the illegal shipment of hazardous materials.
Perimeter's VideoIQ solution helps protect ports through:
Intelligent logging of all vehicles and personnel
Perimeter accelerates investigations from days to minutes by intelligently profiling and indexing every person and vehicle seen at the site, allowing operators to rapidly search terabytes of stored video at the click of a button for rule violations, and even search for matches for a particular object across all cameras and encoders in the system.
Proactive monitoring of all perimeters and secure entrances
Our cameras and encoders increase the effectiveness and efficiency of onsite guards by delivering the market's leading real-time event detection, notifying onsite security, roaming patrols, and monitoring stations when perimeters and secure areas are breached.
Immediate event verification and response
Our cameras and encoders enable roaming patrols and central monitoring stations to verify, respond and prevent incidents in real-time by delivering pre and post alarm clips to smart phones and VMS platforms and providing live video plus 2 way audio to cameras.
Minimal infrastructure
Our solution reduces upfront cost, installation time and ongoing maintenance by archiving all video - even full high definition 1080p/30 fps resolution - in a fully integrated onboard NVR and eliminating the need for external storage servers, dedicated high capacity networks and secure IT facilities to house them.
Simple installation
Perimeter's cameras and encoders are easier to install then traditional IP or high definition cameras because the iCVR's fully integrated onboard NVR eliminates the need to deploy any external servers and VideoIQ's adaptive analytics are 100% self-calibrating, eliminating the need to manually calibrate or tune the analytics in the field.
Extended wireless deployments
Perimeter's VideoIQ cameras and encoders are the best choice for deployment on any wireless network because VideoIQ's iCVR records all video in a fully integrated, onboard NVR, eliminating the bandwidth used to backhaul video to centralized storage. Therefore, traditional limits on camera density for a network are removed.